09 September 2009

Charlie and the Fish Sandwich

I just ate leftover fish...on a sandwich. My cat YOWLED at me the entire time I was heating, assembling, and consuming said sandwich. He is now sitting with his back to me (which he NEVER does) as if to say, "I didn't want your fish anyway!" Should I give him a piece?

03 September 2009

What I really think about that guy..

He's a con artist. He's cunningly charming, well read and educated, and can talk about religion, public policy, literature, art, music, and academia with the best of the best. Unfortunately, it's a foul misuse of his talent. He's a cultured worm; a delicious, but indigestible, meal of rich foods fed to poor and poverty stricken mouths. Detestable drunkard moron!